Barbarian Chronicle

An imperceptible modality expressed itself ineffably in Cochonfucius' garden. He asked Yake Lakang about it. The answer was following: This imperceptible essence has been expressing itself only since the sixth and will cease to do so at the very first When it was not yet expressed, it was unnamed, and therefore did not exist. It will be no longer expressed as soon as it will be present everywhere, hence unnamed again.

On hearing that, the followers said what happened during every season of that period.

Sixth has been dead for two years. At a summer school, near his grandson and his nephew exhibit an intelligent that can make it rain. King promulgates The Heir to the Throne invents a short alphabet.

Seventh The grandson and the nephew wonder why it is raining so often. The Second Heir to the Throne, back from planet re-invents the spelling of words.

Eighth The King and Heir travel to a cold island, in order to impress some scholars with the short alphabet. The Lord Mayor of tames another hoping it will become intelligent. organizes a banquet for all those insular scholars.

Ninth All those people go to the city, in order to inspect some

Tenth he King's Fool feels curious about the perceptive skills of those On this occasion, King introduces him to the Kingdom's executioner. This event is reported by amid general indifference. The Heir goes into exile among Westerners. nephew publishes an attempt to describe the ineffable essence, nothing essential, however. and Uncle Paul both manage to capture a semi-intelligent

First King with his spirits lifted in love, gets married and does not publish any scholarly paper.

Second explains the ineffable essence in a gazette of the Kingdom. A man in the cold island starts a collection of Uncle Paul goes on with his beautiful tales.

Third Some vassals of grandson and nephew publish a treatise about the ineffable essence, the last chapter being from King own pen.

Fourth The Kingdom's Executioner settles near in order to listen to the when they fall from a little pier. Many scholars who are well-known drunkards flow into a shrine in the woods, to each write a sonnet.

Fifth nephew gets out of the shrine and finds the weather a bit colder.

Sixth obtains the most honorific rank in the Kingdom's scholarly hierarchy, with a project that relies upon a definition of the word ineffable.

Seventh of the Kingdom publishes a refutation of every discourse assigning any form of intelligence to a At the bottom of the lake, the are being covered with black algae. teaches a new course about the ineffable essence, in a cellar of the Royal palace. Uncle Paul writes a fable.

Eighth An illustrious declares himself ready to fight any intelligent at armwrestling. But the Kingdom's Society for the Protection of Animals obtains the interdiction of any such attempt. King publishes a collection of his courtiers' sonnets. Underwater divers extract a few from the lake.

Ninth grandson publishes the treatise Science of the Ineffable, and the courtiers crown him with thyme and marjoram. Countless scholars flood the city of and go eat some on silver trays.

Tenth publishes the treatise My brings me my slippers. Western scholars enjoy a new gazette.

First A Westerner teaches a young the art of mundane conversation and card castles.

Second Perverse scholars mix some mathematics into the ineffable. grandson and nephew blow their own trumpet. Two Western courtiers publish the treatise Representation of the ineffable. A priest publishes the treatise The ineffable is Alive. The shrine in the woods is packed every evening.

Third Another proclaims the uselessness of all those treatises (and of this Chronicle). For a scholar to be attracted by a or to spend hours playing with is a mental disorder, and so is the reading of the rest of this page. Nevertheless, two Western scholars, undiscouraged by that, publish the treatise My is ineffable.

Fourth The scholar builds his ineffable substance distillator.

Fifth grandson and nephew are rewarded by a great plenty of They eat and talk. King proves that ineffable is in your head. Two courtiers tell him this is high science.

Sixth A third publishes, in a lively vein, the treatise Cognition of the with some picturesque examples.

Seventh A drifter publishes the treatise Ineffable substance and domestic now a classic. Western scholars invent yet another gazette. Clandestinely, the armwrestling contest the first had been asking for takes place in Cluny Tavern. The poor loses the game, understands nothing about it, and does not suffer too much.

Eighth The Science of the Ineffable is said to be interdisciplinary. nephew receives a pair of solid state honorific golden slippers. Scholars flood the sanctuary, once again.

Ninth Cochonfucius publishes the treatise Bent Ravens. No extract of it appears in any gazette. Another drifter publishes the treatise On a personal inquiry about ineffability and slippers. A quite poetic-minded scholar invents a chessboard for three kinds of bishops. A flying frog publishes the treatise Autonomy of

Tenth The frog meets a with majestuous wings and they fly away together. They publish the treatise Mauve Slippers and Ineffable Cognition. The frog learns to ride. A very wise priest wonders if ineffability is not some sort of frogskin.

First The white ants of the Eastern Garden borrow some mathematics from the perverse scholars mentioned in the second This benefits, as you may have guessed, to the scholars of the eleventh Many treatises, more stupid than each other, are published. Past twenty-five seasons, ineffable remains inbloodyneffable.

True, said Cochonfucius, but I still enjoy my bent ravens.


Description of the ineffable essence, Paleocodex, tenth

Humble Terrestrial Vassals: Ineffable Essence, Archives glauques, tenth

Conclusion on the Ineffable Essence, Archives glauques, tenth

Sonnets of the courtiers, Archives glauques, eighth

Science of the ineffable, Presses de l'Epsilon, ninth

My brings me my slippers, Presses de la Terrasse, tenth

Conversations and Constructions, Drunken Light, first

Tall-Courtier, Small-Courtier: Representation of the ineffable, Clair-Obscur, second

Félix Dupanloup: The ineffable is alive, Editions de la Montgolfière, second

Tall-Scholar, Small-Scholar: My is ineffable, Presses de la Raquette, third

Distillators of ineffability, Editions de la Saucisse, fourth

Ineffable is in your head, Schlingatorium, fifth

Jean-Paul Sartre and Maurice Merleau-Ponty : The Mauve Notebook, Diraralei University Press, fifth

Jean Gyrovague: Cognition of Psychomecaland, sixth

Arabelle Denuit: Ineffable substance and domestic Chicago University Press, seventh

Cochonfucius: Bent Ravens, Lune Bleue, ninth

A chessboard for three kinds of bishops, Gödeschbach, ninth

Arabelle Dejour: On a personal inquiry about ineffability and slippers, Astrophage, ninth

Magdalena de la Harpe: Autonomy of Fumette, ninth

Magdalena de la Harpe, Robert de Cluny: Mauve Slippers and Ineffable Cognition, Pantodrome, tenth

White Ants of Eastern Garden: Fifth Generation Pipoland, tenth

bent ravens are full of mystical plonk
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