French pages
Praxis means feedback from action to theories
STP, or
"Subject, Theory and
is a Parisian think-tank whose output is mostly in French.
individual authors have also published a number of papers in English,
so, whenever it applies, we linked each first occurrence of an author's name
with this bibliographic information.
Is Tweety X-tolerant? by Miguel Benasayag,
Herman Akdag
and Claude Secroun
(introduces a model of a "not so fuzzy" logic for dealing
with weakly determined entities)
Titi est-il X-tolérant ?
Jean-Baptiste Berthelin
Francis Rousseaux
on animality.
Anne Nicolle on interactive processes whose duration is indefinite.
Of ravens and men (short version) by Daniel Arapu
Choregraphy of the bay of Tunis by Francis Rousseaux
(of a particular world-shifting experience)
Management of biodiversity and social integration in Brazil
Marta de Azevedo Irving
A theory of object-creating processes by
Pierre Basso
Openness? Closedness? Health problems among French Amerindians
by Pierre Bau
The collapse
of the Beauvais nave by Francis Rousseaux
Theater of the infra-ordinary by Anne Berelowitch
Secret of the Chinese room by
Paul Jorion
Of ravens and men (excerpts of the long version) by Daniel Arapu
Homage to Dürer by painter Covy
What Artificial Intelligence cruelly lacks by Paul Jorion
A dancer faces a mirror by Francis Rousseaux
Two essays to have Computer Science unveil itself by Francis Rousseaux
Projects as knowledge systems by Frédéric Drouillon
Natural Semantic categories by Danièle Dubois
Jacques Lacan and exceptionality by Corinne Maier
Tragi-comic artificial dialogues
by Jean-Baptiste Berthelin
The Pinocchio Principle by Frédéric Drouillon
The perils of experiments by
Jean-Gabriel Ganascia
Artificial intelligence at the crossroad
of neural and computational sciences by Paul Jorion
Thought processes by Catherine Jehan
The mathematicians and their magic by Paul Jorion
Is the proper of man soluble in cognition? by Dominique Lestel
On representing 2D and 3D shapes in space by
Jean-Pierre Changeux, Alain Connes and computationalism
Bruno Marchal
What do mathematicians teach us about the World? by Paul Jorion
Health monitored at home by
Vincent Rialle
Philosophy's conceptual space for sensation by
Jean-Guy Meunier
Antisymmetrical thought by Paul Jorion
Why we, like cats, have nine lives by Paul Jorion
Visual consciuousness by
Kevin O'Regan
Names for music files by
François Pachet
Modern physics and language pathology by Paul Jorion
Paul Jorion and the foundation of STP by Jean-Baptiste Berthelin
What Penrose actually says by Paul Jorion
Projective plane and Lacanian subject by
Jacques Siboni
Society and Post-Humanity by
François Rastier
Decantation of intimacy: a collector's ritual by Francis Rousseaux
Anchoring suspension by
Gretchen Schiller
Oceanic feeling by Francis Rousseaux
Meta-geopolitics by Bruno Sifantus
On the meaning of cognitive objects by Danièle Dubois
Three philosophical dilemmas by Jean-Emmanuel Tyvaert
How natural languages are better than formal ones
by Jean-Emmanuel Tyvaert
Space as environment by Aline Veillat